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How do I report a bug for EpicDuel, HeroSmash or OverSoul?

Do you have a bug or glitch to report? We understand that players may come across a bug, glitch or related issue when playing EpicDuel, HeroSmash or OverSoul. The Game Teams try to squash all of these bugs as best as they can when something new is released but some do get away!

For EpicDuel, please report any bugs to the EpicDuel Bug Forum. Staff members check the forums every day and if they need more information about a specific bug, they will reply to your post.

For OverSoul and HeroSmash, please report any bugs to the Artix Entertainment Bug Hunter System. We have a team of BugHunters who will look for any bugs, glitches, typos, etc and SQUASH THEM! Please note, the Bug Hunters do not respond to every single report. They will only email you back if they need more information on the particular bug you are reporting.

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