How can my Artix Account be hacked/compromised?
Having your Artix Account hacked/compromised is no fun, especially if it's an account you've worked hard on. How exactly does an account get hacked/compromised? Mostly it is due to a bad player decison, such as giving out your password, as there is no way for someone to gain access to your account via our secure site. Our game is entirely run by Flash, and there is no way to gain personal information via Flash.
Here are the ways an account can be hacked/compromised:
1. Did you give your Artix Account name and password to someone?
This is the number one way an account is hacked/compromised. You should NEVER give your Artix Account name and password out to anyone. No real Staff member or moderator will ever ask for your password. As long as you keep your password secure and difficult to guess, your account will be safe.
2. Did you give out the password for the email address on your Artix Account?
If you gave out your password to the email address associated with your account, then that person not only has access to your Artix Account, but to your email and anything else online that uses your email. You should change your email password immediately and if you can't, you should contact your email provider. Never give out your email password or any personal information over the internet!
3. Did you share your Artix Account?
We do not allow players to share, trade or give away accounts. If you share an account with someone, this significantly lessens the safety and security of your account. It is free to create an account, so there is no reason why you shouldn't have your very own account. If you did give out your password or share an account, please change your password immediately and do not share that account again.
4. Was your password easy to guess?
Please make sure you use a password that is very hard to guess and that is not identical to a password you use for any other site or your email account. Please visit our How do I keep my Artix Account secure? Help Page for more information on how to choose a secure password.
5. Do you use a public computer and someone saw your login information?
You can play our game on any computer, anywhere in the world. This means you can also play on public computers such as at school, work, at a library, internet cafe, etc. We recommend that it is not best to play on a public computer, but if this is your only option, you need to be extra careful to keep your account safe. Please make sure to always login to your account when no one is watching, so they do not see your password. Also, when you are finished playing, please log out completely and close your browser. NEVER save your user name and password on a public computer.
6. Did you enter your password on a site that is not an Artix Entertainment site?
There are a lot of dishonest scammers that exist. Many of them will try and get you to enter your user name and password on a site that is not an Artix Entertainment/Battleon site. You should NEVER enter your user name and password on any other site that does not belong to Artix Entertainment/Battleon. If you do, then your account will be compromised and you should change your password immediately. Most of these sites violate AE's copyrights and we can get them taken down if reported.
7. Did you use any 3rd party software such as a hacking program or trainer?
We do not allow our players to use any kind of 3rd party software, trainers or hacking/cheating programs to play our games. If you have one installed on your computer, your computer and account may be compromised. This also makes your computer vunerable to viruses.
8. Did you accidentally download a virus or keylogger?
If you accidentally downloaded a virus or keylogger from another site, chat client or email, you should scan your computer with anti-virus software immediately. A keylogger can log your password to any game accounts, emails, etc. Please note, you cannot get any kind of virus or keylogger from our games as we are a browser based game that requires no downloads or installs.
9. Did you share your account so someone could upgrade you and they have your transaction ID?
We do not allow players to share their accounts, thus they are not allowed to share their accounts to receive an upgrade. Please upgrade your account yourself or if you would like someone else such as a friend or family member to purchase you an upgrade, please login first and follow the upgrade steps and then they can pay once they get to the payment step. If someone would like to purchase you an upgrade as a gift, they are welcome to purchase you an Artix Entertainment Artix Points Gift Certificate from our Portal Site. If you did share your account for an upgrade and that person has your transaction ID and gained access to your account, all we can do is disable the auto-recovery option.
If you need to recover your account, please go to Account Recovery Help Page and you can email us for further assistance.
Please email us to report any AE copyright violations.