How do I link/unlink game accounts to/from my Artix Account?
If you would like to link or unlink an Artix Game account (for AQWorlds, DragonFable, MechQuest, or AdventureQuest) to/from an Artix Account, we are happy to help!
Here are the steps on how to link an Artix Game Account to an Artix Account:
- Go to our Portal Site and login to your Artix Account
- Click on My Account under your Artix Account profile
- Under the Account Menu to the left of the page, click on Link Game Accounts
- Select the Artix Game for the account you would like to link to your Artix Account
- Enter your Artix Game Account name and Password
- Click Link to Master Account - your Artix Account is a "Master Account"
Here are steps how to unlink an Artix Game account to an Artix Account:
- Go to our Portal Site and login to your Artix Account
- Click on My Games under your Artix Account profile - this is also the page that comes up after you login to your Artix Account
- Click on the big yellow button for the Artix Game Account you would like to unlink - you can only unlink an AdventureQuest Worlds, DragonFable, MechQuest or AdventureQuest account from an Artix Account and only if Artix Points have not been spent for upgrades!
- Click on Unlink Game Account on the right side of the page
- Confirm that you would like to unlink your Artix Game Account from your Artix Account by clicking "Yes Remove the Link." If you do not want to unlink your account, please click "No, do not change it."
- Your Artix Game Account is now linked or unlinked to/from your Artix Account.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why can't I unlink any game accounts that use an Artix Account to play?
A. Currently, our games EpicDuel, HeroSmash, OverSoul and our mingames PonyvsPony and BladeHaven can only be played if you create an Artix Account via our Portal Site or their specific game site - they are free and easy to create! If somehow any of these game accounts were unlinked, they would literally be lost in mystical Artix code universe and would be very very difficult to recover. So, that is why they can't be unlinked - we wouldn't want them to be accidentally unlinked and you lose them forever!
Q. Why can't I unlink my AdventureQuest Worlds, DragonFable, MechQuest or original AdventureQuest account from my Artix Account if I spent Artix Points?
A. Once you purchase Artix Points for your Artix Account and then spend the Artix Points on an upgrade for AQWorlds, DragonFable, MechQuest or original AdventureQuest, those accounts are now forever linked. All payment transactions and Artix Points redemptions must be tracked! If we allowed players to unlink and relink multiple game accounts with multiple Artix accounts, things would get very confusing and finding the accounts would be quite a challenge! However, if there is an extenuating circumstance, we may be able to unlink a game account from an Artix Account if Artix Points have been spent as a one time only exception. This would only be for those players who do not have a current active Upgraded Membership in AQWorlds/HeroSmash or that have not spent Artix Points on the linked game account in a very long time.
Q. Can I link more than one game account to my Artix Account?
A. You can link more than one DragonFable, MechQuest or original AdventureQuest (including WarpForce) to your Artix Account. You can only link one EpicDuel, HeroSmash, OverSoul, PonyvsPony or BladeHaven account per Artix Account.
Q. My AQW/AQ/DF/MQ account was hacked and linked to an Artix Account that isn't mine, what do I do?
A. If your game account was actually hacked/stolen/lost and no Artix Points were spent, we will be happy to unlink your game account for you. Unfortunately, if Artix Points have been spent, things can get tricky. You will need to email us so we can look up your account and investigate.
Q. I don't have access to my old Artix Account that has my linked game accounts anymore. What now?
A. There are two things we can do - we can try and recover your old Artix Account, please go to the My Account is Hacked, Stolen or Lost! Help Page and email us the information we request to verify account ownership. Then we can give you your old Artix Account back! Or if you just want one of your game accounts unlinked, we can unlink it for you as long as Artix Points weren't spent. If Artix Points were spent, we can only recover the Artix Account for you.
Q. My Artix Account and linked Game Accounts are disabled. Can you unlink my game accounts for me so I can play them again?
A. No, we are sorry, you will have to resolve the issue that caused your Artix Account and linked game accounts to be disabled before we can see if your game accounts can be unlinked. Please visit the What do I do to get my Artix Account back if I disputed payments? help page for further assistance.
Q. Can a friend link their game account to my Artix account so I can buy them Artix Points?
A. We do not allow any kind of account sharing, trading, selling or gifting. Please only link your own game accounts to your own Artix Account. You can always purchase an Artix Points Gift Certificate! You can then give your friend the gift certificate code and they get Artix Points without having to share accounts!
Please email us if you have any questions.