Ultimate Game Cards

Use the card here to get Artix Points added to your Artix Account.
Then spend the Artix Points to upgrade any of your Artix Entertainment Game accounts, including OverSoul Gems, AQWorlds Membership, EpicDuel Varium, NovaGems, DragonCoins, AQ Guardianship, Z-Tokens, HeroSmash, and PonyVsPony upgrades and more!
Ultimate Game Card Important Update
The UGC system is being phased out by UltimatePay.For more information Visit the UGC web site.
The last day to BUY Ultimate Game Cards was August 15th 2014.
The last day to REDEEM your activated UGC codes will be September 30, 2014.
There is not a single card system that can replace Ultimate Game Card, but here is a list of alternative payment options.
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do I buy a card?
The cards are no longer available in stores
How long is my Ultimate Game Card good for? Will it expire?
Your Ultimate Game Card must be redeemed before September 30, 2014.